Library Committee

The library is managed and administered by a Library Committee under the supervision and control of the Board of Management. The Library Committee is responsible for the performance of its duties and the exercise of its powers. The function of the Library Committee is to support the functioning of the library to facilitate the library development plans by advocating the library development activities with the management. The Committee’s main objective is to make coordination between the library, and the management for better services to staff and students.


Library Committee consists of the following members

Sl.No Composition Status
1 Registrar Chairman
2 Dean Academic Member
3 Dean FHSM Member
4 All HoD’s (23 Members) Member
5 Advisor Library Member
6 Director i/c Library Member / Secretary
Frequency of Meeting

The committee shall meet atleast twice in an academic year (June-May).


One-third of total membership in the committee shall be the quorum.

Duties and Responsibilities
Committee supervises the activities of the library.
Regulations may be framed for the management and use of the Library.
Recommends allocation of funds to various Departments for buying books/ journals (both soft and hard copies), assess the requirements of the Library and formulate. budget to be submitted to the Authorities concerned.
Suggest to acquire books and journals and other related materials (both in hard and soft copies) and periodic stock verification.
To ensure proper library management and its use including the services rendered to the readers.
Review the functioning of the Library on Bi annual basis.
Frame and amend any rules prescribed for the use of the Library services.
To consider policy matters regarding the policy for procurement of books, journals and other resources.
Ensure scrutiny and approve the indents for books purchase from various departments.
To monitor and evaluate, from time to time, trends and developments in information technologies, networking, library automation, library cooperation etc., and to advice the library for adoption.
Meeting Notice

The Member /Secretary (Director i/c Library) shall issue the notice convening the meeting along with the copy of the Agenda notes to each member at least seven days before the meeting of the committee after obtaining the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

Minutes of the meeting

Minutes of meetings shall be recorded by the Director i/c Library and circulated to all the members for information and necessary action.

Admission 2025-26
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