
e Yantra Lab

About eYantra

Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam is pioneer in thanjavur and one among 37 institutions in Tamilnadu to start the e-yantra laboratory joint hands with IIT Bombay. The e Yantra Lab, is a part of PMIST and it has been established with latest robotic equipment from M/s NEXROBOTICS pvt ltd, Mumbai.

Project e-Yantra is an initiative to spread education in embedded systems and Robotics by IIT Bombay sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development through the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT). The objective is to provide hands-on learning to engineering students who have limited access to labs and mentors. The goal is to create the next generation of (Embedded systems) engineers in India with a practical outlook to take on challenging problems and provide solutions.

e Yantra Lab out comes
Better final year projects in the area of embedded systems and robotics.
Access to a vast resource of open source projects and tutorials.
Sustainability of the established lab through participation in the e Yantra idea competition
An opportunity to setup agriculture based IoT –test bed through the e-Yantra Farm setup initiative.
Better prospects for a college to gain visibility and attract local industries for internship and placement.
Integration of hands on experiments with regular theory sessions through teacher manuals shared via resource portal.
e Yantra engages project based training to implement a solution to real world problem
Admission 2025-26
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