

Sl.No. Date Professional development programme organised for teaching staff Administrative training programme organised for non-teaching staff Number of participants
1 22-06-2015 to 27-06-2015 A Six Day FDP on Algebra & Analysis 13
2 03-08-2015 to 08-08-2015 One Week FDP on Outcome Based Education: Teaching, Learning & Evaluation 20
3 09-09-2015 to 09-09-2015 Professional Development Programme on "Teaching is an Art" 8
4 26-10-2015 to 31-10-2015 Six Days Faculty Development Programme on Art of Effective teaching 11
5 07-12-2015 to 12-12-2015 FDP on" Design Softwares and their Application in Engineering" 37
6 14-12-2015 to 19-12-2015 One week faculty program on "Smart Power System" 11
7 14-12-2015 to 19-12-2015 Six Days Faculty Development Programme on Recent Trends in Fluid and Gas Dynamics 25
8 21-12-2015 to 27-12-2015 FDP on Preparation of Lectureship examination 12
9 20-01-2016 to 20-01-2016 Professional Development Programme on " Need of Educational Psychology" 11
10 21-03-2016 to 26-03-2016 FDP on Design and Development of UAV's 26
11 02-05-2016 to 07-05-2016 Professional Development Programme on Research Methods and Quality Research 8
12 16-05-2016 to 21-05-2016 FDP on "Advanced Surveying with Total Station" 36
13 16-05-2016 to 23-05-2016 Faculty Recharge Programme "Design and Manufacturing" 24
14 17-05-2016 to 22-05-2016 Faculty Recharge Programme on "Wireless Communication" 7
15 17-05-2016 to 22-05-2016 FDP on "Electronic system Design " 9
16 17-05-2016 to 22-05-2016 Hands on Training "Telecom Networking " 7
17 17-05-2016 to 22-05-2016 Six Day Faculty Refresher Course on "Algebaric and Number Theoretic Aspects in Graphs and Networks" 12
18 23-05-2016 to 28-05-2016 FDP on "Design Thinking and Innovation" 8
19 23-05-2016 to 28-05-2016 Six Days Non-Teaching Staff Development Programme on " LED Lighting Design" 11
20 01-06-2016 to 06-06-2016 Non- Teaching Staff Recharge Programme 6
21 13-06-2016 to 18-06-2016 Six Day Refresher Course on "Instrumental Methods of Analysis - Part 2: GC-Ms & HPLC" 20
22 08-08-2016 to 13-08-2016 Staff Development Programme on Image Design and Editing Skills 11
23 13-09-2016 to 13-09-2016 Short Term Course for Non-Teaching Staff "Excel in Excel" 12
24 21-10-2016 to 26-10-2016 Short Term Courses on Entreperneurship Development 9
25 05-12-2016 to 10-12-2016 CNC Training for Non Teaching Staff 13
26 05-12-2016 to 10-12-2016 FDP on "Soil Testing, Investigation and Reporting " 33
27 12-12-2016 to 17-12-2016 Six Day FDP on "Computational Fluid Dynamics- Trends an Application- An Academia Perspective" 25
28 26-12-2016 to 31-12-2016 One Week Faculty Development Programme on Teaching and Non- Teaching Staff for Electrical fire and safety One Week Faculty Development Programme on Teaching and Non- Teaching Staff for Electrical fire and safety 15
29 20-03-2017 to 25-03-2017 "Mobile Application Development for Faculties" 9
30 08-05-2017 to 13-05-2017 FDP on Innovation in Teaching Pedagogy 10
31 08-05-2017 to 13-05-2017 FDP on " Building Construction Materials & Applications " 11
32 08-05-2017 to 13-05-2017 One week FDP on Teaching Research Methods in Social Sciences 20
33 15-05-2017 to 20-05-2017 FDP on "Material Testing" 27
34 15-05-2017 to 20-05-2017 Faculty Development Programme on PLC and SCADA 8
35 22-05-2017 to 27-05-2017 FDP on Experimental Methods and Laboratory Practices in Mechanical Engineering 19
36 29-05-2017 to 03-06-2017 Six Day Faculty Development Programme on Application of Mathematics and Statistics 12
37 05-06-2017 to 09-06-2017 One Week FDP on "3D Modelling using AUTOCAD and SKETCHUP" 9
38 19-06-2017 to 24-06-2017 FDP on Industrial Automation 32
39 07-08-2017 to 11-08-2017 FDP on "Bid Data tools and Techniques" 15
40 09-10-2017 to 14-10-2017 FDP on "Technology and Product Training " 7
41 23-10-2017 to 28-10-2017 Six Day FDP on "Structural Analysis of Materials used in Aviation" 20
42 06-11-2017 to 11-11-2017 FDP on Materials Characterization analysis 21
43 04-12-2017 to 09-12-2017 Supporting Staff- short term training Programme on (STTP) on Electrical Maintenance and Control 7
44 04-12-2017 to 09-12-2017 FDP on "Sustainable Construction Material and its Characterization" 26
45 08-01-2018 to 13-01-2018 Staff Development Programme on 2D Animation Programming Fundamentals 10
46 05-02-2018 to 10-02-2018 Training on Metal Cutting and Machining For Non Teaching Staff 14
47 05-02-2018 to 10-02-2018 One Week FDP on Effective Performance Management in Teaching 24
48 07-03-2018 to 07-03-2018 One day FDP on "Roles of Teachers in Multidimensional Way" 8
49 07-05-2018 to 12-05-2018 FDP on "Recent Advances in Concrete Technology" 24
50 21-05-2018 to 26-05-2018 One week Faculty Development Programme on MATLAB and LABVIEW 7
51 11-06-2018 to 16-06-2018 Skill Development Programme 0n "Maintenance, Repair and servicing of Aircraft Engine Components" 16
52 19-09-2018 to 19-09-2018 One Day Professional Development Programme on "Social Relationship Between Students and Teachers" 9
53 24-09-2018 to 26-09-2018 Financial Literacy Workshop 24
54 05-10-2018 to 06-10-2018 Research Awareness on Recent Computing Technologies 12
55 15-11-2018 to 22-11-2018 FDP on "MATLAB for Teaching Electronics and Communication Engineering " 10
56 07-01-2019 to 12-01-2019 One Week Workshop on "Statistical Tools in Research Methodology 49
57 09-01-2019 to 09-01-2019 Professional Development Programme on "Pedagogical Skills" 8
58 04-02-2019 to 08-02-2019 Faculty Development Programme on Architectural softwares - Rhinoceros Grasshopper 14
59 12-02-2019 to 12-02-2019 One day workshop on " Handling Electrical Equipments for Non-Teaching Faculty " 2
60 11-03-2019 to 11-03-2019 Orientation Programme on "Research Ethics for Young Researchers " 6
61 20-03-2019 to 20-03-2019 FDP on "Student Psychology" 12
62 11-04-2019 to 12-04-2019 Two Day National Seminar on "Technology enabled Teaching Learning Strategies towards Quality Enhancement in Higher Education"
63 15-04-2019 to 19-04-2019 Staff Development Programme on Desktop Publishing 10
64 24-06-2019 to 30-06-2019 FDP on "IoT" 15
65 11-07-2019 to 17-07-2019 One week FDP on "Additive Manufacturing"" 25
66 09-08-2019 to 09-08-2019 One Day Workshop on "Usage of ICT Tools in Teaching Learning Process" 16
67 11-09-2019 to 11-09-2019 One Day FDP on "Teaching skills" 9
68 24-09-2019 to 28-09-2019 One Week Workshop & FDP MEP for Architects on "Plumbing, HVAC & Fire Fighting Services with BIM Application" 9
69 06-01-2020 to 06-01-2020 Professional Development Programme on "Techno-Pedagogical Skills" 9
70 07-01-2020 to 07-01-2020 07-01-2020 to 07-01-2020 7
71 08-01-2020 to 08-01-2020 Faculty Workshop on "Robotics " 10
72 22-01-2020 to 22-01-2020 Workshop on "Robotics " for Technical Assistant 8
73 05-02-2020 to 05-02-2020 FDP on "Safe Disposal of Chemicals" 7
74 18-02-2020 to 18-02-2020 One Day Workshop on "Scientific Research" 14
75 24-02-2020 to 29-02-2020 Six Day Skill Development Workshop on "Industrial Robotics" 20
76 04-03-2020 to 04-03-2020 One Day FDP on "Master in MS -Office " 11
77 27-05-2020 & 28-05-2020 Two Day Faculty Development Programme on Case Based Teaching Methods 38
78 18-06-2020 to 24-06-2020 One Week FDP on "Walk Through in Python for Machine Learning" 115
79 27-07-2020 to 02-08-2020 FDP on "Effective Teaching for the next Generation" 124
80 23-11-2020 to 28-11-2020 Online FDP on "Emerging Trends in Automation" 71
Admission 2025-26
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