
Funded Projects

Grants for Research Projects
PMIST has received 48 funded Research Projects from various State Government, Central Government and other private agencies so for. They are listed below.
Sl No Project Title Funded by Letter of reference Amount (in Lakhs)
1 Establishment of Periyar Technology Business Incubator
(PTBI is self sustaining)
DST/PMIST 100/IFD/ 6366/2005-2006 484.44
2 Thermochemical characterization of non-edible seed cake for gasification DST DST/TSG/AF/2010/01 dated: 14.09.2011 44.67
3 Solar Car PMIST Order Dated : 27.01.2012 0.78
4 Periyar Community Radio Government of India DST CO/U/FP/G197/2013 dt. 02.09.2014 9.00
5 Solar Dryer for Areca nut Sheath NABARD-RIF NB (A&N)-1117/RO183/2013-2014 7.4
6 Multi Purpose Reactor for conversion of agro waste into value added products NABARD-RIF NBTNOFTD/RIF/CHN/140005/2014-15 dt. 22nd Sep 2014. 4.71
7 Social Audit Society of Tamilnadu (SASTA) Department of Rural Development & Panchayat Raj, Government of Tamilnadu Roc.No.1152/2014/SA-4 dt 14.10.2014 & 13.11.2014 3.72
8 Defence sensitive research project-2 [IGLA Simulator Model] Indian Air Force (IAF), Thanjavur PMIST receipt # 226560 dt.12.4.14 0.3
9 Defence sensitive research project-1 [IGLA Tripod] Indian Air Force (IAF), Thanjavur 47w/420/02/ACCtS/ptVII/ 13-14 0.29
10 IT enabled smart power generation in hand held computer systems TNSCST TNSCST/SPS/AR/2013-2014 dt. 15.04.2014 0.075
11 Online Navigation System for visually disabled people on mobile based TNSCST TNSCST/SPS/AR/2013-2014 dt. 15.04.2014 0.075
12 Production of plant bodies from Nila Vembu (Andrographis paniculata) through rDNA technology TNSCST TNSCST/SPS/AR/2013-2014 dt. 15.04.2014 0.075
13 House Hold Solid waste management - Valam Kundra Vallam - awareness programme ACC cements Ltd, Mumbai ACC/ Reference #: 1200459055/2014 2.79
14 Facilitating Reading programme and e-learning programme using audio and visual aids ACC cements Ltd, Mumbai ACC/ Reference #: 1200497892/ N100 5.41
15 Participatory research for comprehensive development in the selected villages of Perundurai-TK, Erode- SIPCOT-case study ACC cements Ltd, Mumbai ACC/ Reference #: 1200459055/2014 1.14
16 Enhancement of Learning Skills through e-Learning Material among Rural Primary School Children of Perundurai Block in Erode District ACC cements Ltd, Mumbai Ref. No. 1200497892 1.780
17 Aspergillus carbonarius mutant in relation to partially saturated canthaxanthin biosynthesis Department of Science and Technology YSS/2015/ 000298 17.30
18 Construction of Modular Toilet DRDA Thanjavur 1052/2015/ A4 23.00
19 Defence sensitive research project-3 [Electrical Control Simulator for prototype IGLA] Indian Air Force (IAF), Thanjavur PMIST receipt # 247006 dt.30.3.15 0.25
20 Enhancement of ICT for education NMEICT - MHRD, IIT Bombay Email dt. 30.09.2015 2.8
21 Space based information support for decentralized planning (SIS-DP) (589 Panchayats in Thanjavur District) Government of India ISRO NRSC/RC/EPRIS/35/2016 11.78
22 Interactive Display system for Defence sensitive project Indian Air Force, Trivandrum. 47w/420/1A/ACCts/pt-X/15-16 0.95
23 Tuberculosis (TB) Awareness Programmee REACH Axshya Foundation MoU signed dt. 30.03.2016 0.2
24 Intensive Training Programme for Tribal Students on 'Basic Sciences & Mathematics' VIGYAN PRASAR Department of Science and Technology, Government of India VP/SCICOM/2038/2017/586 dated 31.03.2017 5.41
25 'Periyar Community Radio Katrodu Kanitham - Phase_II'(Mathematics Project) Ministry of Science and Technology - DST, New Delhi. Order dated May,4,2017 1.02
26 Correlation of Pulmonary Structural and Functional Alterations in a Population Exposed to Indoor Cooking with Solid Bio-fuels: A Pilot Study University of Iowa, USA NIH – USA reference Project No.P30ES005605- 27, Letter Dated: 13.06.2017 1.075
27 Pneumatically Operated Electronic Multipurpose Simulator - Portable indoor training simulator Indian Air Force Station, Thanjavur MoU signed between PMIST and IAF on 10th May 2016 29.46
28 Formulation and characterization of Andrographis paniculata based first aid cream TNSCST TNSCST/SPS/AR/ 2016-2017 dt.26.04.2017 0.1
29 Blending of processed leather wastes with enzyme treated coir fiber to make cost effective stretchable fabrics TNSCST TNSCST/SPS/AR/2016-2017 dt.26.04.2017 0.1
30 Production of ethanol using recycled paper wastes from educational institutions TNSCST TNSCST/SPS/AR/2016-2017 dt.26.04.2017 0.1
31 Wound healing ointment from fish collagen incorporated with Aloe vera TNSCST TNSCST/SPS/AR/2016-2017 dt.26.04.2017 0.1
32 Isolation of Bacillus subtilis (Nattokinase) for cardiovascular disease TNSCST TNSCST/SPS/AR/2016-2017 dt.26.04.2017 0.1
33 Industrial waste monitoring system using splunk (IWMS) TNSCST TNSCST/SPS/AR/2016-2017 dt.26.04.2017 0.05
34 Post Graduate Teaching Programme (M.Tech.: 2 years duration) in Nano Science & Technology at PMIST, Thanjavur DST (Nano Mission) PMIST C/3711/IFD/2014-2015 103.00
35 Social Audit Society of Tamilnadu (SASTA) Department of Rural Development & Panchayat Raj, Government of Tamilnadu Lr.No 1399/2017/S-11 dated 25.10.2017 27.71
36 Awareness on Women's Rights among college students across Disciplines in Thanjavur District of Tamil Nadu Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) F.No. 02/90/SC/2017-18/RP/Major. Dated 10.01.2018 2.0
37 Development of silver nanoparticle based burn wound healing cream and its anti-bacterial evaluation TNSCST Lr.No. TNSCST/SPS/AR/2017-2018 dt 27.01.2018 0.1
38 Development of herbal aerosol formulation for mastitis DBT-BIRAC Mail dated Mar 6, 2018 1.0
39 Prediction of cardiovascular disease using machine learning algorithm Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) Lr.No. TNSCST/SPS/AR/2018-2019 dated 18.02.2019 0.075
40 Activated nano carbon reinforced in textile for indoor air purification Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) Lr.No. TNSCST/SPS/AR/2018-2019 dated 18.02.2019 0.075
41 Fabrication and analysis of nano copper coated Wi-Fi antenna Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) Lr.No. TNSCST/SPS/AR/2018-2019 dated 18.02.2019 0.075
42 Nanocomposite organic band-aid for chronic wound healing Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) Lr.No. TNSCST/SPS/AR/2018-2019 dated 18.02.2019 0.075
43 Cost effective Pre fabricated Modular Toilet Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) Lr.No. TNSCST/STP/AR/2018-2019, dated 04.11.2019 2.2
44 Automated Live Vechile Tracking System using GPS and GSm Surya Trading, Chennai Dated: 27.06.2019 1.0
45 A Study on Costs and Benefits Analysis and Supply Chain mechanism for Thennagam Natural Products Thennagam, Chennai Dated: 28.06.2019 0.25
46 0.25 Evaluation of Antidiabetic and Hypolipidemic Effects of Fuctional Food Components Thennagam, Chennai Dated: 28.06.2019 0.50
47 Marketing of Diabetes Free Rice and Wheat; Reference to Thennagam Product in Thanjavur Town Thennagam, Chennai Dated: 28.06.2019 0.25
48 Childline, Nodal organization Childline India Foundation, Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India BG/S/11-12/173 - BG/S/19-20/173 35.88
Admission 2025-26
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