
Inculcating Research Culture

Building research culture is one among the key initiatives of the Institution. Clear objectives and policies make the goal achievable for fruitful research practices. The Institution encourages all faculty members and students to take up active research as the primary factor in their respective specialized areas.

The objectives framed help both faculty and students involve in research. Institution encourages faculty members and students to do fundamental research in the area of sciences and in the thrust area like "Energy and Environment" in Engineering and Technology. Increasing opportunities for interdisciplinary and collaborative work are also promoted by the Institution to acquire funded research projects.

Research Policy and Support for a Vibrant Research Culture

Research Policy of the institution promotes a vibrant research culture on the campus. Moreover, a conducive environment is also provided for doing industry based research and consultancy work. Financial support is provided to students through research grants which facilitates the students who have flair for research even from economically challenged backgrounds to participate and contribute towards the Institute's culture of research.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

  • The Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of the Institution conducts "Innovation Competitions" to encourage the students participating and exhibiting their innovative ideas and talents. This council also guides to protect the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of the individual.
  • Periyar Technology Business Incubator (TBI) facilitates with unique facilities which provides opportunities to induce innovative ideas into action for meeting societal requirements and transforming them as Entrepreneurs.