Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

RAC Objective
The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) in Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology is a committee constituted for the purpose of assisting the Vice-Chancellor in research related activities.
RAC Members
The RAC is constituted with the following members:
Head of the DepartmentConcerned
Dean of the FacultyConcerned
IQAC - Coordinator / Co-cordinator
Dean Academic
Dean Research– Convenor
RAC Responsibility
The RAC members will meet based on necessity to carry out the following responsibilities.
To review the overall research progress
To consider extension of duration to complete the research
To consider the request of change of supervisor
To resolve any research related issues
To give recommendation/report to Vice-chancellor on the above
Convenor - Dean Research
Office of Dean Research
Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology
Mobile : +91 7358053699
Email :
Admission 2025-26
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