

The Centre for Energy and Environment (CEE) in PMIST plays a significant role in facilitating innovative research activities in the area of Energy and Environment. It also established ENVIRONMENT INFORMATION CENTRE funded by Department of Environment, Govt. of Tamil Nadu. CEE was the first recipient of the prestigious state award “Karmaveerar Kamarajar Award” in 2009 from the Government of Tamilnadu. The CEE has been recognised through various renewable energy gadgets such as Biomethanation Plant, Solar energy and Biomass Gasifier Unit.
To offer Consultancy services to Industries and/or Organizations
To develop a coordination among various agencies and organizations for conducting Training programmes.
To develop cost effective energy gadgets
To provide training on cutting edge technologies in solar and bio energy
To Promote entrepreneurship in energy production
Green Practices
Practicing International 5R’s (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover) concept on Solid Waste Management.
Installed India’s first 500 m3 capacity multifeed Biomethanisation plant which produces 60KWe energy from waste.
Implementing rain water harvesting techniques and harvested 80,000m3 per annum within the campus.
Reduced the CO2 emission with a quantum of 32,340 tonnes per year.
Bamboo Cultivation in PMIST over an area of 10 acres under National Bamboo Mission Programme.
Facilities Available
Supported by Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology departments etc
Designed, fabricated and operating 1 kW, 2 kW and 20 kW Bio mass gasification plants.
2 kWe on grid solar systems for solar photovoltaic research
4.05 kWe solar power plants for lighting load in hostel dining hall and kitchen
15000 lpd solar water heater in hostels and guest house
Sophisticated equipment for bio energy research such as Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer, Gas Chromatograph, Portable Biomass Gas Analyzer, Portable Exhaust Gas Analyzer, Bomb Calorimeter, etc.
Briquetting Machine for conversion of agro residue such as coir pith, saw dust, rice husk etc., into biomass fuel.
500 m3 Power based Biomethanation plant
Mass Pledge on Open Defecation free
Green Marathon
One Day Workshop on Waste Management in Hospitals
One Day Training Programme on Vermicomposting for Transgender
Two day workshop on Open Defecation free for the Rural People
Two day workshop on Capacity Building on Bhuvan Map based Skill Set
One day Workshop on Wastewater Management and Solid waste management
One day workshop on Terrace Garden
All India Seminar on Innovative Approached towards Solid waste Management
Two day Workshop on Waste to Energy
International Conference on Environment and Natural Science
Jal Divas
Rally conducted for creating awareness on Water Management
Engineers Day and Ozone day
Swachhata Hi Sewa Campaign
Water Conservation Awareness Campaign- Neerinri Amayathu Ulagu
International Conference on Combating Climate Change, Saving Lives and Sustainable Development
Online Quiz Competition- World Environment Day
Admission 2025-26
Apply Now