Code of Ethics for Research

Code of Ethics for Research

PMIST strongly believes in maintaining high standards of integrity, intellectual honesty, responsibility and accountability in the research works of its scholars in all aspects of research. Adherence to ethical research practice involving scientific approach and employing appropriate techniques are blended with qualitative analysis, quantitative & statistical analysis for increasing more useful investigations and research outcomes. Senior academicians of the Institution mentor the research scholars to maintain the highest ethical standards in research.
The main objectives of the code of ethics for research in PMIST are:
To promote and inculcate ethical culture in the research works
To prevent and check malpractices and plagiarism in the research works
To provide guidelines to research supervisors and research scholars
Responsibility of scholars / Faculty members
Research Paper Authorship: the first authorship should be given to those who have carried out the bench work and if equal contribution has been made with more than one researcher; then equal weightage should be given. Research Supervisor/Guide should be the corresponding author for any research publication. Authorship should be based on the contribution provided for writing the paper. Without contributing towards writing the paper cannot claim any authorship
Research outcomes should be protected with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
When IPR is filed by the researchers based on the contribution the percentage of royalty will be decided by the Research Advisory committee
Research related to animals / human as subject; ethical approval should be obtained from appropriate body before conducting research
Plagiarism is defined as stealing of ideas, figures, photos, spreadsheet, tables, computer programs, presentations, illustrations, manipulating data, use of materials, reproducing one’s thoughts, copying of phrases, sentences, paragraphs from published journals / book / conference proceedings or from unpublished work without appropriate citation of the principle source. Even copying phrases from own publications without proper citations also come under plagiarism.
Other forms of plagiarism like complete plagiarism, Source based plagiarism, direct plagiarism, Self / Auto plagiarism, Deliberate Plagiarism, Paraphrasing, Bluffing, Mosaic Plagiarism, Accidental Plagiarism, Inaccurate Authorship etc., and all should be avoided.
Research supervisor should give proper guidance about plagiarism at the initial stage of research. It is the responsibility of the stakeholder to get awareness about academic integrity, types of plagiarism, consequences of plagiarism and related punishments, software used and the procedure for plagiarism check.
Plagiarism would be quantified into the following levels in ascending order of severity for the purpose of its definition
  • Level 0: Similarities upto 10%
  • Level 1: Similarities above 10% to 40%
  • Level 2: Similarities above 40% to 60%
  • Level 3: Similarities above 60%
The institute is using Ouriginal (Previously Urkund) online software to check the plagiarism of the articles, books, thesis. The weblink of the software has been given below.
Punishment for academic misconduct
If any student /research scholar/ faculty member is found to be guilty of academic misconduct, disciplinary action will be taken. The disciplinary committee conducts enquiry against the faculty member and suggest disciplinary action based on severity of the misconduct.
Level 0: No penalty; a warning memo.
Level 1: to submit a revised script within six months to withdraw the report
Level 2: Preclude from submission of revised script for a period of one year/ cut one annual increment for faculty/ Suspension of research guideship for faculty for a period of two years
Level 3: Ph.D Degree/ credit shall be cancelled and imposing cut in successive annual increments in case of faculty/ suspension of research guideship for faculty for a period of three year.
Procedure to check plagiarism
A soft copy of the Post graduate project reports, M.Phil. Dissertations, Ph.D. theses, Project proposals should be submitted to Dean Research Office before submission of the hard copy. The submitted documents should be subjected to plagiarism check using the UGC recommended software URKUND. The documents will be scrutinized for plagiarism and the plagiarism report will be sent through the mail. Based on plagiarism report, further decision on the submitted reports will be taken by the Office of Dean Research.
Disciplinary action on Academic Dishonesty
The Research Advisory Committee insists all the researchers (Supervisors, Research Scholars, Faculty members and students) should adhere to highest ethical standards of conduct. PMIST is registered with Shodhganga and all the theses are uploaded as per the UGC norms. It is the responsibility of the research supervisor concerned to validate each thesis / dissertation / Project report submitted under the guidance of him / her must be checked for Plagiarism before submitting to Dean Research office for further processing. In case any complaint is received on Plagiarism, and Dean Research office will be responsible. Any academic fraudulence is revealed against an individual, suitable disciplinary action will be taken after a proper enquiry made by the disciplinary committee formed by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor.
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