Periyar Maniammai Alumni Association (PMAA) was registered under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act,1975 (Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 1975) on 29th October 2015 with the serial No. 35 / 2015. It has various Chapters in Thanjavur, Chennai, Singapore and New Jersey. Our alumni are serving in State and Central Govt. organizations, Public Sectors and reputed educational institutions as well.
Pursuing Computer science from PMIST was an immense luck for me. My four years at the department are memories to be cherished. My faculties, who are extremely skilled, have always been my pillar of support, they have always supported and helped me during anytime of the day. They have never turned their backs towards their students and guided us apart from academics as well. Apart from academics, other activities have helped us to groom ourselves and have an overall development. I consider myself lucky to have been educated from CSE department.
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