Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering


Digital Electronics Laboratory
This lab is one of the core lab of our department where our students will learn the machine language called as "Boolean language" Our students are exposed to functionality of basic logic gates, IC pin diagram and all practical aspects related to digital IC tester and trainer kit.
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
The objective of the Digital signal processing laboratory is to enable the students to simulate and experiment with digital signals and systems. The laboratory helps the students to learn, analyse and design the techniques that give core knowledge for DSP engineers to develop the laboratory aims at supporting the teaching and research activities in the area of DSP.
The laboratory has both software tools and DSP processors- both fixed point and floating point. The laboratory has 5 user Licensed MATLAB software with various Tool boxes and Simulink. Students simulate here number of experiments in MATLAB. Students also use TMS 320C5416 fixed-point DSP. Students can implement Digital signal processing algorithms using different computational platforms and DSP tools which enhance the practical exposures in signal processing.
Embedded System Laboratory
This lab is offered to B.Tech. students and it is specially designed and developed for the students to study the architecture of ARM microcontroller using assembly language and Development of application using C language for ARM board platform. The lab is well equipped with keil software, ARM 7, 9,11 and Cortex boards which has NXP LPCXX, ARM System-on-chip, for embedded system development. The lab gives hand on experience on embedded system development using keil software and how to debug and prototype using Embedded board. At the end of semester students will handle ARM based embedded system development for various applications. This lab provides resources to build real time embedded system and working with various protocols.
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Laboratory
This lab is one of the core labs of our department where our students will learn their mother tongue (hardware language) called "Mnemonics”. Our students are exposed to basic architecture , timing diagram and all practical aspects like arthritic and logical programming using 8085,8086, 8051,interfacing programming of microprocessor and microcontroller with ADC,DAC,8279 (keyboard and display interface),8251 (serial communication),8255 (parallel communication) and peripheral device like stepper motor control, traffic light signal control & temperature control etc.
Microwave and Fiber Optics Laboratory
Microwave Engineering and Fibre optical laboratory provides depth knowledge about the behavior of microwave components and optical components. The laboratory exercises are designed to understand the working principle of optical sources, detector, fibers and microwave components. The microwave laboratory gives Practice to microwave measurement procedures. In addition to supporting these courses, the lab also provides the necessary equipment for the students to perform their projects. Microwave Laboratory is meant for experiments at the instructional level for undergraduate students. The laboratory is adequately equipped with microwave benches at J-band and X-band, which includes Klystron tubes, Gunn diodes, Klystron power supplies, modulators, directional couplers, various power energy and VSWR meters. Lab is used by the students to perform practical pertaining to the study of optical fiber communication using state of the art kits. Fibre optical lab is used by the students to perform practical pertaining to the study of optical fiber communication using state of the art kits. The lab is equipped with fiber optic trainer kits and modules to enable the study of components of an optical communication system. The students will have an understanding of the concepts involved in simple optical communication link and learn the characteristics and measurements of optical fiber the students will have an understanding of the concepts involved in transmission and reception of the microwave signals, characteristics of components.
VLSI Design Lab
The VLSI Design laboratory is well equipped with the most up-to-date industry standard VLSI EDA tools and hardware resources like Xilinx 14.7, ISE tool, Spartan3E FPGA, Spartan 6 starter kit, Virtex4 FPGA and CPLD. The laboratory provides hands-on experience to students in the field of analog and digital circuit design to conduct world class research. The laboratory is designed to expose the students to a set of tools for VLSI design, starting with ISE simulation and leading to physical layout, design rule checking, and extracted circuit simulation. Students gain knowledge in using EDA tools to design, simulate, and verify schematics and layout of logic gates. It also serves to facilitate design and implementation of digital design on FPGA. This Lab gives the opportunity to the students to learn about the configuration and simulation of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits & Systems. The main purpose of this lab course is to explore various design styles of simple and complex Integrated Circuits(IC) near to students.
Nano Materials Synthesis Laboratory
The nanomaterials synthesis laboratory facility includes for synthesize and analyse the basic structural, chemical and optical properties. This lab covers the synthesis of Nanomaterial by self-assemble method, Sol-Gel, Ultrasonication method, Mechanical grinding by ball milling, thinfilm by electrospinning and spin coating methods.
Instruments available:
  • Electrospinning Techniques
  • Ball Milling
  • Assembled wet chemical method
  • Spin coater
  • Ultrasonicator
  • Microcentrifuger
  • Hot Air Oven
  • UV Visible Spectroscopy
  • Raman Spectroscopy
  • Electrophoresis, etc
Nano Material Characterization Laboratory
Nano Characterization Laboratory is dedicated to providing modern facilities for nano-scale analysis, measurement, and characterization of materials. The laboratory aim is to be the focal point for measurement services and promote the use of nanotechnology by the industrial sector. Expertise in nano-scale and nanomaterials microstructure and chemical composition analysis and research. Nanotechnology laboratories measure nano-particle size, morphology, dispersion, uniformity, optical and physical properties, and chemical composition. Nanotechnology research seeks to design and manufacture small particles, then incorporate these particles into liquid or solid carrier matrices. There are multiple ways the NCL can help nanotech researchers and developers advance their technology, including characterization, reformulation, optimization, lead selection, method development, and more. To date, the lab has performed over 6000 technical analysis for internal and external clients.
Nanostructure Simulation Laboratory
Nano Simulation Laboratory aims to design and predict the properties of functional nanomaterials, and to create unique understanding of the physicochemical process at nanoscale level, by using state-of-the-art first principle computational chemistry method and mathematical modeling based on continuum approach.
Mission is to enable the use of modeling and simulation in the advancement of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
This ‘ATK’ Chem Sketch and Argus can accelerate the experimental research and development of nanotechnology applications in the field of energy ,Biology and environment.
The efforts within the Lab are focused on obtaining basic understanding of nanofabrication processes and device operation, applying that knowledge to produce better models, simulators and devices.
Admission 2025-26
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