Holistic Hostel Experience
To cater to the needs of residential students, PMIST has established three Women's hostels and one Men's Hostel.
Men's Hostel
- Chakravarthi Hostel facilitates with 120 rooms
Women's Hostel
- Annai Nagammaiyar Hostel functions with 84 rooms
- Vittobai Hostel facilitates with 110 rooms
- Swarna Ranganathan Hostel has 65 rooms are provided with attached bath & toilet facilities.
- Chakravarthi Hostel facilitates with 120 rooms accompanying three students in one room A TV hall with DTH, a functioning GYM with necessary equipments, a badminton court, purified drinking water, solar water heaters, 24 hours power & water supply, Wi-Fi facility, machanized laundry service, hospital and vehicle at emergency situation is made available at hostel. Sick rooms are available in all hostels to provide necessary care and attention to the students.
- Hygienic and Nutrient rich steam cooking facilities
- Audio & Video availability in Dining Halls
- Purified drinking water system
- Need based food for students from other states and countries
- Solar Water Heating System (1000 litres capacity) – 5 nos. provides hot water supply in hostels
- Biometric system for maintaining student’s attendance
- 24 hours hospital support within the campus
- Playgrounds at the close proximity
- Library and computer centre at an easy access to the hostel students up to 7 p.m.
- Laundry services are provided to the students
- Staff tutors for personal care and as mentors in the hostels
- Staff members regularly visit during the study hours.
- Ladies hostels are provided with incinerators for the disposal of Napkins
The hostel is annexed with a kitchen for providing food in a protected and hygienic environment along with dining halls, which can accommodate more than 1000 students to dine at a time.
Healthy and nutritive food is served. The hostel kitchen has facilities for steam cooking with gas stoves. The Chakkaravarthy hostel dinning block covers an area of about 970.63sq.m 500 numbers of students dining together.
- The menu is decided by the Students Mess Committees. Quality nutritious food is served.
Men's Hostel (Chakkravarthi Hostel) |
Warden |
Professor - Civil Engineering
Email id:senthamil@pmu.edu
Mobile No:+91 9443976090
Manager |
Mobile No: 9442398287
Ragging Related Problems Contact |
Anti ragging Convener |
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mobile : +91 9003976700
Email ID : spkbabu@pmu.edu
Women's Hostel (Nagaammaiyar Hostel) |
Warden |
Email ID : tamilmani@pmu.edu
Mobile No:
+91 9487531184
+91 9486644099
Joint Warden |
Email ID : pvasuki2162@gmail.com
Mobile No: +91 7904573631
Asst Warden |
Email ID : pvasuki2162@gmail.com
Mobile No: +91 8903624502
Hostel Rules and Regulations
- Student should read the rules before signing the application form (A copy will be provided with the application form).
- Rules will be displayed on the hostel Notice Boards
- Duplicate keys will be made only on application received from students by the Hostel Warden/s.
- Complaint form/Register will be provided to students by the Hostel Warden/s.
- Any cleanliness issues need to be brought to the notice of the Hostel Warden/s.
- Mess has to be informed about non-availability of students.
- Food will be served in the room only after depositing Identity card in case of illness.
- Hostel Main Gate will be closed at 7.30 pm. No student will be allowed to leave after 7.30 pm.
- Inspection will be done by Hostel Committee.
- Students outpass has to be provided with undertaking.
- Suggestion Form will be provided by the Hostel Warden/s.
- Suggestion Box provided in the hostel will be opened every 15 days by the Hostel Warden/s in the presence of the competent authority of the Institute i.e. Director/Dean (A) and the Student representative.
Admission Process
- Provisional admission will be given in the hostel based on the conduct in the previous semester.
- Students should apply one month before the last working day of previous semester for hostel accommodation.
- Application form with attached one stamp size and one passport size photograph has to be submitted to the Campus Administrator or Warden for hostel accommodation.
- Admission form for hostel accommodation has to be endorsed by the competent authority of the Institute.
- Admission in the hostel will be provisional subject to Allowed to Keep Term (ATKT) Rule.
- Room inventory Form has to be filled during check-in and check-out by the students in the hostel.