Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology (PMIST) is committed to providing a safe, fair and harmonious learning and work environment. Grievance Redressal Cell was set up at PMIST in accordance with the University Grants Commission regulations 2012 (The Gazette of India, March 23-29, 2013) for handling day-to-day grievances related to students and parents.
Grievance Redressal Cell facilitates the resolution of grievances in a fair and impartial manner involving the respective School / Dept. / Office (dealing with the substantive function connected with the grievance), maintaining necessary confidentiality, as the case may be. Any stakeholder with a genuine grievance may approach Grievance Redressal Cell at Centre for Students and Administrative Services (CSAS) to submit his/her grievance in writing or send through e-mail on
To ensure a fair, impartial and consistent mechanism for redressal of varied issues faced by the stakeholders
To uphold the dignity of the University by promoting cordial Student-Student relationship, Student-teacher relationship
To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among the stakeholders, thereby maintaining a harmonious atmosphere in the University campus
To ensure that grievances are resolved promptly, objectively and with sensitivity and in complete confidentiality
To ensure that the views of each grievant and respondent are respected and that any party to a grievance is neither discriminated against nor victimized
Functions of the Committee
To provide with proper advocacy to stakeholders to express their grievances freely and frankly without any fear of being victimized
To analyze the merits of grievances and conduct formal hearings and investigation as the case may be
To protect the privacy and confidentiality of all parties during the investigation, consistent with and subject to the policy guidelines
To obtain the facts through relevant sources in a fair and objective manner o To ensure speedy disposal of every grievance application
Grievances Redressal Committee
A high-power committee handles the function of remedying of grievances. It is guided by the principles of natural justice while redressing the grievances. The committee will consider only formal grievances, received via email at or in person, and put its best efforts in order to arrive at a right decision / amicable solution expeditiously.
Grievance Redressal Committee has been constituted with the following members:
Ombudsman -
Mr. R. Paranjothi, Dist. & Session Judge (Retd.)
Chairperson -
Dr.R. Kathiravan, Dean- Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Convenor -
Dr.C.V.Subramaniam, Director, CSAS
Dr.V.Violetjuli, Dean - Curriculum and Development
Dr.B.Mahendra Mohan - HOD- Management Studies
Dr.D.Antony Lily Pushpam, Counselor
Grievances if any can be brought to the notice of the convenor or any of the committee members for necessary action and redressal
Grievances of the students may constitute, complaints regarding
Admission, withhold or refuse to return any documents of the student from the institution, demand of excess fee, breach of reservation policy, non-payment or belated payment of scholarship, caste discrimination, delay in conduct of examination or declaration of results on beyond the academic calendar, insufficient amenities, sexual harassment and refund of fees on withdrawal of admission etc.,