Department of
Civil Engineering


Area of research (Thrust/specialized) in the Department:
  • Alternative Building Materials
  • Repairs and Rehabilitation of Structures.
  • Anaerobic Co digestion process
  • Ground Water Contamination Assessment
  • Generation of Microzonation Map for liquefaction potential of Coramandel coast sands
Funded Projects
Sl.No Name of the Project Name of the Agency Grant received in Lakhs (Rs.)
1 Construction of Cost Effective Modular Toilets DRDA Thanjavur 23.5
2 Sensitization programme for Panchayat presidents and officials in Solid Waste Management (Biomethanation) DRDA, Thanjavur 2.64
3 Sub surface Exploratio Air Force Station, Thanjavur 14.00
4 Modelling subsurface contamination of fluorides for Trichy&Pudukottai District UGC, New Delhi 1.09
5 Evaluation of Inverse Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor for Treating high strength organic wastewater UGC, New Delhi 1.05
6 Implementing as Nodal Agency for setting up of Bio- Gas based power generation MNRE, New Delhi 26.00
7 Water Purification Plant at Muthuveerakandiyanpatti, Thanjavur. San Diego State University, San Diego, California, USA Technical collaboration
8 Organising International Seminar / Workshop NITTTR, Chennai jointly with Ministry of External Affairs, GoI, under Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC), Special Commonwealth Assistance for Africa Programme (SCAAP) & Colombo Plan Staff Development Programme Rs. 3.5 lakhs
9 Department of Environment, Govt. of Tamilnadu, Chennai Establishment of Environmental Information System Centre 0.50
10 NITTTR / MHRD Chennai and Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board. Slum and Socio Economic Survey 0.50
11 Madurai Corporation, Madurai, TN. Preparation of Flood zone maps 1.00
12 District Rural Development Agency, Thanjavur, Govt. of TamilNadu Land survey for Moat, Thanjavur Socio-Economic Survey on Agricultural Farm Pond for 7 blocks of Thanjavur District 1.00
13 Church of South India Diocesan Society, Thanjavur Survey of Heritage Church building at Perumpannaiyur, Thiruvarur District 1.00
14 Development of Thiruvalluvar Theatre to a commercial complex for Thanjavur City Municipal Corporation under Smart city mission Thanjavur Municipal Corporation 24.00
  • Evaluation of Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor for Treating High Strength Organic Waste Water
  • Generation of digital terrain model (DTM) using GIS and GPS
Admission 2025-26
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