Department of
Social Work


Social Work plays a significant role in promoting socio economic standards by sustainable development in rural areas through Academic, Outreach and Research.

Commit to build a socially just society that ensure equality, dignity, diversity, inclusiveness bringing social Change through Professional Social Work education, research, innovation and community engagement for sustainable development.
  • To impart the knowledge of social work education in innovative teaching, research and other scholarly activities to promote social justice.
  • To educate core competencies towards addressing the needs and issues by evidence based intervention, convergence and training for community empowerment.
  • To deliver for the public good through excellence in field based community practice, capacity building, networking and advocacy leading to social change.
  • To mentor student learning processes by undertaking collaborative and consultancy projects for addressing neighborhood communities in their sustainable growth.
  • To professionally respond through ethical standards of services, comprehensive support, restore hope and rebuilding of lives with crisis intervention.
The objectives of the department is to produce successful Social Work Professionals who can understand societal and individual’s spatial needs with respect to culture and tradition and prepare innovative design solutions that are technically sound, environmentally and socially responsible.
Admission 2025-26